
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Wild edible spring flowers - wild violets!

There have been lots of spring showers (and snow, and sleet) lately - but the spring flowers have finally arrived.  We've been picking lots of wild edibles to add to our salad mixes from the greenhouse - dandelion greens, fresh nettles, wild garlic, and these delicate violets. 

Here is a great article from the website of renowned herbalist Susun Weed about the medicinal and health benefits of eating wild violets.  The flowers and young greens are edible, and are a great blood purifier for a spring body detox.  They stimulate the immune system and the lymph glands to help the body get rid of toxins.  Wild violets are loaded with minerals, vitamins A and C, and add beautiful bold colour into salads.

We'll be hosting one more Wild Spring Edibles Workshop here on May 16 for those who are interested in learning more about gleaning the nutrient-dense delicious wild foods that are all around us! 

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