
Tuesday, June 02, 2015

June 1st garden! Glorious greens

Here's what is coming up in the garden on the first of June this year - after weeks of hot dry spring weather that became near drought (apparently the least rainfall we've had for this time of year since the 1920's), then a downpour the other day/night with flooded streets, and last night a near frost where we had to bring our basil into the greenhouse!  What a strange spring we've been having, and yet there is so much life coming up in the garden.

We are loving:
- the wild greens: nettles (leaf), dandelions (root, leaf and flower), lambs quarters
- the garden greens: arugula, Asian greens, lettuces, mizuna
- the spring sours: sorrel and rhubarb
- asparagus, asparagus, asparagus
- all manner of spring onions: green onions, walking onions, chives, garlic greens
- the darker greens: kale, chard, spinach, red orach, and mustard braising greens
- violets, marigolds and other edible flowers
- the fresh salad herbs: dill, thyme, and parsley in everything
- the fresh tea herbs: mint, lemon balm, bergamot, catnip, fennel
- watching the berries form: currants, raspberries, gooseberries, strawberries
- wild grape tendrils and leaves

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