
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Waldorf-inspired art for kids: hand-sewing skills

Today's art classes allowed the kids to explore simple hand-sewing projects.  With these art classes that emphasize hand-skills, like knitting or sewing, we hope to equip the kids with useful skills they can use in their everyday life.  Sewing can be used to make a simple toy or gift, repair and mend a favourite shirt or sock, or even sew a new piece of clothing!  It's a basic skill that should not be lost, something essential to pass on to our kids (just like cooking and growing food). 

Our Young Acorns group made small birds from felt, while the older Green Saplings group made larger owls with multi-coloured felt of their choice and stuffed them with wool and organic lavender.  I loved watching the ways each child holds their needle, how much concentration and focus was going on, and the kinds of stitches they made to complete their work.  Each project was unique!


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